HainesPianetteBradburyHallet & DavisPianolaBrewsterHardmanPooleD.S. Within a few short years, the pushup'players disappeared from the scene.Ī B ChaseGablerMusetteAeolianHaines & Co.NormandieArmstrongHaines Bros.PeaseBent, George P.W.P. It wasn't long after the turn ofthe century that it was deemed desirable to 'miniaturize' the clumsyPianola and other similar, instruments so that they could be builtdirectly inside the pianos. With four page coloradvertisements (almost unheard of in that day) published in thepopular magazines, he literally stunned the piano industry with themessage that here, indeed, was the answer to everyone's prayer formusic in the home! Tremaine and Pianola built an enormous businessempire over the next thirty years. With the newly perfected 'Pianola,'he launched an aggressive advertising campaign which was entirelynew to the stodgy piano business.

His sontook over in 1899 and immediately set about to apply his ownbusiness acumen to the company's affairs. He founded the'Aeolian Organ and Music Company' around 1888 the firm achievedconsiderable success with larger instruments and organs. Tremaine's father had built a successfulsmall business making and cranked table-top-sized mechanical organs,a very popular item in homes in the late 1800's. Tremaine was a businessgenius who brought about the commercial exploitation of the pianoplayer on a big scale.

Knabe, Mason & Hamlin, and George Steck.H. Combined they made a great and powerful contribution tothe art of music, for each of the great instruments they producedwill continue providing magnificent music for generations to come.Name brands built in East Rochester include Chickering & Sons, J & CFischer, Wm.
AEOLIAN- AMERICAN Est.ġ903 - New York, N.Y.The manufacturing facilities atEast Rochester was comprised of a series of separate and individualfactories planned so that manufacturing of the various instrumentswas carried on in an entirely individual and distinct manner, and byseparate organizations, each under direction of men who had beenassociated with each respective make for many years, thuspreserving, unimpaired, the individual and distinctive qualities ofeach piano. Regis,Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton). (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke,Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St. The age of your piano is determined by the.Pianos also have numbers other than serial numbers, such is the case with partor patent numbers.

Bluebook Of PianosHOW OLD IS YOUR PIANO? - FINDTHE AGE & SERIAL NUMBER OF YOUR PIANOSome piano manufacturers place serial numbers in variousplaces.